
Get paid to train and learn! Apprenticeship is occupational training that combines supervised on-the-job training experience with classroom instruction. With Registered Apprenticeship you receive:

  • A Paycheck: From day one, you will earn a paycheck guaranteed to increase over time as you learn new skills.
  • Hands-on Career Training: As an apprentice, you will receive practical on-the-job training in a wide selection of programs.
  • An Education: You’ll receive hands-on training and have the potential to earn college credit, even an associate or bachelor’s degree, in many cases paid for by your employer.
  • A Career: Once you complete your apprenticeship, you will be on your way to a successful long-term career with a competitive salary, and little or no educational debt.
  • National Industry Certification: When you graduate from a career training program, you’ll be certified and can take your certification anywhere in the U.S.

Check with your local construction firms to learn who offers individual apprenticeship programs. An excellent resource is the Montana Registered Apprenticeship program. You can can more information by visiting their website at: